Swimming Dad
Oct 28, 2018
Blog guest: Dr Mariana Tisma
Dr Mariana Tisma, sports psychologist, CESAP – Centre for contemporary psychology, has been dealing with mental training of athletes with...
Swimming Dad
Oct 28, 2018
Blog gost: dr Mariana Tišma
dr Mariana Tišma, sportski psiholog, CESAP - Centar za savremenu psihologiju, skoro dve decenije, se bavi mentalnim treningom sportista u...
Swimming Dad
Oct 21, 2018
10 benefits of swimming: Why is swimming good for your kids?
I remember my granddad’s words. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. I used to laugh at him, but there was certainly good deal of truth...
Swimming Dad
Oct 21, 2018
10 prednosti plivanja: Zašto je plivanje dobro za decu?
Sećam se dedinih reči: Deco pojedite jabuku dnevno inema brige za zdravlje. Smejao sam se tim rečima, ali ima istine u tome, bio je zdrav...
Swimming Dad
Oct 14, 2018
Blog guest: Jelena Dedajic
Marathon swimmer, Jelena Dedajic, as a Swimming Dad #Blog guest, explains how she prepared for the long races, and how the endurance and...
Swimming Dad
Oct 14, 2018
Blog gost: Jelena Dedajić
Plivački maratonac, Jelena Dedajić, za Swimming Dad kao #Blog gost, otkriva na koji način se pripremala za duge staze, kao i koliko su...
Swimming Dad
Oct 7, 2018
Open water swimming, challenges for children and their parents – 5 suggestions for beginners
How many things do children get served on a “silver plate” and how many do they need to really fight for? Are they as persistent as the...
Swimming Dad
Oct 7, 2018
Plivanje na otvorenom, izazov za decu i roditelje - 5 saveta za početnike
Koliko deca danas dobijaju sve na «tacni», a koliko se za nešto baš sami izbore? Da li su uporna kao maratonci ili na prvu prepreku...