Swimming Dad
- Jun 24, 2019
Swimming at a mountain, a break from the sea
Ever since I’ve been travelling with my kids to the sea by car, the place where to take a break is something I plan in advance. At least...
Swimming Dad
- Jun 24, 2019
Plivanje na planini, pauza do mora
Od kada putujem na more sa decom kolima, uvek isplaniram unapred gde ćemo praviti pauzu. Makar i na kratko, da olakšam i njima i sebi put...
Swimming Dad
- Jun 17, 2019
Blog guest: Jennifer Kapala
Jennifer Kapala is multiple award winning child and family photographer and the 2014 National Association Child Photographer of the...
Swimming Dad
- Jun 17, 2019
Blog gost: Dženifer Kapala
Dženifer Kapala je višestruki dobitnik nagrade za dečiju i porodičnu fotografiju, a 2014. godine je osvojila nagradu Dečiji fotograf...
Swimming Dad
- Jun 10, 2019
Taking photos of kids in the pool
When the baby arrives, mum and dad get a «photo fever», which never stops shaking them. I am one of them. Like most parents, I’m trying...
Swimming Dad
- Jun 10, 2019
Fotografisanje dece u bazenu
Kada stigne beba, mama i tata dobiju «foto groznicu», koja mi se čini nikada ne prestaje. Taj sam. Kao i većina roditelja pokušavam da...