Swimming Dad
- Mar 25, 2019
Prevencija: Bezbednost dece na bazenu
Ko je danas siguran u vodi? Šta je deci potrebno reći kada krenu sa društvom na bazen, reku... da se kupaju? O tome smo pričali. Sa druge...
Swimming Dad
- Mar 24, 2019
Prevention: The safety of kids at the pool
Who is safe in the water now? What do we need to tell our kids when they go to a swimming pool or when they go swimming in a river with...
Swimming Dad
- Mar 18, 2019
Blog guest: Urška Potočnik
She used to swim as a child, and then she made a break. Seven years later, she came back to swimming. Her love for swimming was developed...
Swimming Dad
- Mar 18, 2019
Blog gost: Urška Potočnik
Plivala je kao dete, a onda je napravila pauzu. Nakon sedam godina, vratila se plivanju. Ljubav prema plivanju usadiili su joj najdraži...
Swimming Dad
- Mar 11, 2019
Talks at the swimming pool: Children are making questions…
I believe that every parent gives a countless number of answers on daily basis… I am one of them. A thousand questions require a thousand...
Swimming Dad
- Mar 11, 2019
Razgovori kraj bazena: Deca pitaju...
Verujem da svaki roditelj tokom dana, odgovara na bezbroj pitanja... Taj sam i ja. Hiljadu pitanja, očekuje se hiljadu odgovora... Nije...
Swimming Dad
- Mar 4, 2019
Blog guest: Željko Panić
Why is there an evaluation before enrolling in a swimming school? How do parents react to the results announced by the coach? Explanation...
Swimming Dad
- Mar 4, 2019
Blog gost: Željko Panić
Zašto je testiranje za školu plivanja bitno? Kako roditelji reaguju na saopštene rezultate trenera? Za Swimming Dad kao #Blog gost,...