Swimming Dad
Apr 29, 2019
Family and swimming: My relay race
When asked if swimming is an individual or a collective sport, the majority would place it into the first category. Is it really the...
Swimming Dad
Apr 29, 2019
Porodica i plivanje: Moja štafeta
Na pitanje da li je plivanje individualni ili kolektivni sport, većina bi svrstala u prvu kategoriju. Da li je stvarno tako? Da li je...
Swimming Dad
Apr 22, 2019
Brother and sister…
I have an older sister and my wife has a younger brother. My grandfather had five brothers. My grandmother had one brother and three...
Swimming Dad
Apr 22, 2019
Brat i sestra...
Imam stariju sestru, moja žena mlađeg brata. Deda moj je imao petoro braće. Baba jednog brata i tri sestre. Danas ja imam sina i ćerku....
Swimming Dad
Apr 15, 2019
Blog guest: Goran Dimitrić
What is the best time for your kid to start an underwater adventure, to go SCUBA diving? What are the preconditions for SCUBA diving? Is...
Swimming Dad
Apr 15, 2019
Blog gost: Goran Dimitrić
Koje je najbolje vreme da se vaše dete upusti u podvodnu avanturu, da roni sa bocom? Koji su preduslovi za ronjenje sa bocom? Da li se...
Swimming Dad
Apr 8, 2019
Diving: Underwater honeymoon
You’re an adventurist, more than a tourist. You’re attracted to depths. You love diving more than swimming. You enjoy exploring the world...
Swimming Dad
Apr 8, 2019
Ronjenje: Medeni mesec pod vodom
Avanturista ste, više nego turista. Privlače vas dubine. Volite da ronite, više nego da plivate. Uživate da istražujete podvodni svet,...