Swimming Dad
- Apr 29, 2019
Family and swimming: My relay race
When asked if swimming is an individual or a collective sport, the majority would place it into the first category. Is it really the...
Swimming Dad
- Apr 29, 2019
Porodica i plivanje: Moja štafeta
Na pitanje da li je plivanje individualni ili kolektivni sport, većina bi svrstala u prvu kategoriju. Da li je stvarno tako? Da li je...
Swimming Dad
- Apr 22, 2019
Brother and sister…
I have an older sister and my wife has a younger brother. My grandfather had five brothers. My grandmother had one brother and three...
Swimming Dad
- Apr 22, 2019
Brat i sestra...
Imam stariju sestru, moja žena mlađeg brata. Deda moj je imao petoro braće. Baba jednog brata i tri sestre. Danas ja imam sina i ćerku....
Swimming Dad
- Apr 15, 2019
Blog guest: Goran Dimitrić
What is the best time for your kid to start an underwater adventure, to go SCUBA diving? What are the preconditions for SCUBA diving? Is...
Swimming Dad
- Apr 15, 2019
Blog gost: Goran Dimitrić
Koje je najbolje vreme da se vaše dete upusti u podvodnu avanturu, da roni sa bocom? Koji su preduslovi za ronjenje sa bocom? Da li se...
Swimming Dad
- Apr 8, 2019
Diving: Underwater honeymoon
You’re an adventurist, more than a tourist. You’re attracted to depths. You love diving more than swimming. You enjoy exploring the world...
Swimming Dad
- Apr 8, 2019
Ronjenje: Medeni mesec pod vodom
Avanturista ste, više nego turista. Privlače vas dubine. Volite da ronite, više nego da plivate. Uživate da istražujete podvodni svet,...