Swimming Dad
- Jul 19, 2021
Fear of water: How can you help your child overcome the fear and jump into the water?
The child is not afraid of water, but is afraid of diving and having his/her face in the water! Why is this happening? It is a question...
Swimming Dad
- Jul 19, 2021
Strah od vode: Kako dete da savlada strah i da se zagnjuri u vodu?
Dete nema strah od vode, ali se boji da se zagnjuri ili da stavi lice u vodu! Zašto se to dešava? Često je pitanje roditelja kada dovedu...
Swimming Dad
- Jul 12, 2021
Blog guest - Nikola Acin
Alphabet of Swimming – Swimming at the service of boys and girls Swimming at the service of children growing up: swim and have fun!...
Swimming Dad
- Jul 12, 2021
Blog gost - Nikola Aćin
Azbuka plivanja - Plivanje u službi dečaka i devojčica Plivanje u službi odrastanja dece: plivajte ali i zabavite se! Nikola Aćin,...
Swimming Dad
- Jul 5, 2021
An alphabet book of swimming
What are the most important “letters” of the alphabet for future swimmers? Today, preschool children are expected to recognize letters,...
Swimming Dad
- Jul 5, 2021
Bukvar plivanja: Koja su najvažnija ”slova” azbuke (abecede) za buduće plivače?
Danas se od dece, predškolaca, očekuje da prepoznaju slova, da znaju da sriču reči, čak i da čitaju pre nego što i krenu u školu! Kažu...