
Swimming Dad
Aug 31, 2020
The pool and the classroom – partners in education!
What’s the situation with children in the classroom and at the pool? What do we have plenty of now and what are the things we forgot,...

Swimming Dad
Aug 31, 2020
Bazen i učionica – partneri u obrazovanju!
Kakva je danas atmosfera kod dece u učionicama, na bazenu?! Čega sve više ima, a na šta smo zaboravili, prepustili se, oguglali, neki čak...

Swimming Dad
Aug 3, 2020
Swimming and hydration: A swimming child cannot dehydrate!
What should I bring with myself to the pool tomorrow? A five-year-old girl who’s starting with swimming has asked me this. Water! She...

Swimming Dad
Aug 3, 2020
Plivanje i hidratacija: Dete koje pliva ne može da dehidrira!
Šta treba sutra da ponesem na bazen? Pitala me je petogodišnjakinja, koja počinje da pliva. Vodu! Nasmejala se i rekla, ali stvarnooo,...