Swimming Dad
- May 25, 2020
Should parents know the basic lifesaving and first aid techniques, and CPR in thewater?
Every skill which can help your child today or save life of someone else before the ambulance arrives is desirable. It doesn’t mean...
Swimming Dad
- May 25, 2020
Da li roditelji treba da znaju osnovne tehnike spašavanja, prve pomoći, oživljavanja (CPR) u vodi?
Svaka veština koja može danas da pomogne vašem detetu ili nekom drugom da spase život dok ne stigne stručna služba, je poželjna. Ne, ne...
Swimming Dad
- May 18, 2020
Suvo davljenje: Dete se zagrcnulo u vodi, da li je u opasnosti?
Pisala mi jedna mama: “Imam klinca od tri ipo godine, obožava vodu. Trudim se da ga što češće vodimo da pliva. Međutim, od kada sam...
Swimming Dad
- May 18, 2020
Dry drowning: the child has choked on water, is he/she in danger?
A mum has written me an e-mail “I have a boy of three and a half and he loves water. I’m giving my best to take him to a swimming pool as...
Swimming Dad
- May 11, 2020
Blog gost: Rick Kauffman - Prevencija i bezbednost dece u i oko vode
Izgubio je ćerku kada je imala tri godine. Udavila se. Danas, otac sedmoro i deda jedanaestoro, Rick Kauffman, podkaster, govornik,...
Swimming Dad
- May 11, 2020
Blog guest: Rick Kauffman - Prevention and water safety kids in and around the water
He lost a daughter when she was 3 years old. She drown. Today, a father of 7 children and a grandfather of 11, Rick Kauffman, podcaster,...
Swimming Dad
- May 4, 2020
Spasavanje deteta u vodi: Davljenje dece je fatalno, ali 100 posto preventivno
Na bazenu sa ajkulicom i ribicom plivamo. Jutro, nema gužve. Posmatram ih kako uživaju... Vrisak prekida idilu "Vladoooo, beba plutaaaa!"...
Swimming Dad
- May 4, 2020
Saving your child in the water: Children drowning is fatal, but it can be prevented in 100%of cases
We were at the pool, swimming with my Little Shark and Little Fish. It was morning with no crowd. I was watching them enjoying it... The...