Swimming Dad
Jan 28, 2019
How to keep children motivated for swimming?
Daddy, I don't feel like going to the training today. Mum, could you please tell the coach that my tummy hurts and that I’m not in the...
Swimming Dad
Jan 28, 2019
Kako da deca ne izgube motiv za plivanjem?
Tata, danas mi se ne ide na trening. Mama, reci treneru da me boli stomak, nisam baš raspoložen danas za plivanje. Zašto da idem na...
Swimming Dad
Jan 20, 2019
10 reasons: Why is swimming good for daddies?
Once they get children, the majority of men, with a few honourable exceptions, become totally negligent… They start neglecting their...
Swimming Dad
Jan 20, 2019
10 razloga: Zašto je plivanje dobro za tate?
Danas većina muškaraca, čast izuzecima, kada dođu deca, opuste se u svakom smislu... Zanemare svoje zdravlje, izgled jer bože moj imaju...
Swimming Dad
Jan 13, 2019
10 razloga: Zašto žene treba više da plivaju?
Kako savremena žena da integriše plivanje u svoj život? Zašto žene treba više da plivaju? Zašto je plivanje dobro za mame? O ovim...
Swimming Dad
Jan 13, 2019
10 reasons: Why should women swim more?
How should a modern woman integrate swimming in her life? Why should women swim more? Why is swimming good for mummies? We should discuss...